Good bye, Logitech

I've been using Logitech input devices for last 15 years. They were always flawless and remained my preference.

In the past (well, it was about 10 years ago) when my mouse was flawed - Logitech support was super helpful... and sent me a replacement mouse. For free. That have bought my loyalty to Logitech brand for years.

Several times I've heard from friends that logitech products are horrible, but I just ignored these complaints - I mean, worked for me, why complain?

Until now. Guess, it is the point at which my loyalty ends.

The reason is their MX Anywhere 3S mouse. Costs $100. It's a premium product, one of the most expensive "non-gamer" mouses on market. I managed to drown my MX Anywhere 3 in a soda, so thought this one would be an upgrade.

It all feels like a spit in the face. Feels like a teenage drama. And I don't like neither. So, guess I'm never buying anything from Logitech again.

Bye, logitech, it's been nice 15 years. Your hardware might still be one of the best, but the software is unbearable. Bye, logitech, and f u.