
Several musical albums are precious to me. They influenced or inspired me in one way or another. The albums I tend to always have with me on my player. Ones I can recommend to a random person, maybe.

HKE - HK (2015)

This is the kind of music that plays in my head every time I close my eyes. It is sort of hard for me to explain what does "Dreampunk" mean, and wikipedia article is no help. I think, it's more of a musical subculture than a genre, really.

Well, this particular album is a mix of vaporwave and ambient music, and for me it is an iconic thing.

Brian Eno - Ambient 1 - Music For Airports (1978)

The very genre of Ambient is believed to be called so after this album. And it is indeed perfect for sitting in the terminal waiting for your flight early in the morning.

Deep Purple - Purpendicular (1996)

Listening Deep Purple my entire life. It started for me with my father's vinyls, and with Smoke On The Water, of course, which played everywhere.

And much later, when I moved from my parents, this album sort of became a soundtrack of my life.

EEDL - Everse (2007)

Electronic music began with this album for me. Well, listening entire electronic music albums from first to last song did. I stumbled upon it around 2008 while scooting through chrome experiments website that featured a number of things one could do with JavaScript, and one of such things was a bar visualizer, that used Slumber track as an example.

At first I was irritated by the sound of it, but then wanted to hear more. Spotify did not exist back then, torrents weren't popular and all the websites offering to download MP3s were just scams trying to lure money out of you, and the album was not available for purchase on a media in my country - so finding more tracks of EEDL was a quite a quest by itself.

Vangelis - Spiral (1977)

A very significant album for me. I believe, Vangelis was like Johan Sebastian Bach or something, but modern. He has a lot of amazing albums, and this one is my all-times favorite.

Linkin Park - Meteora (2003)

A friend of mine introduced this album to me in my teen age. The very genre of it was novel to me back then, and I quickly became a fan. If I had to pick one Linkin Park album - it definitely would be Meteora.

Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish And The Hot Dog Flavored Water (2000)

Definitely one of best albums of all times. I kind of realized I can listen this one in any mood, anytime.

Ry Cooder - Music by Ry Cooder (1995)

This album is a compilation of Ry Cooder's music from various movies. It has certain atmosphere I dig.

I love part of StarCraft soundtrack, the bluesey part with guitar strums and slides. I never ever heard Ry Cooder before (turned out I have, he wrote a soundtrack for Crossroads movie). I found this album by asking Chat-gippity if it can recommend me something similar, with slides and strums and not much vocals, and it did.

This music turned to be one of my favorites, I believe it will last. Also, it motivated me to watch Paris, Texas movie, which is also great.

Tribal Ink - Surrounded By Freaks (2003)

I first heard this album when I bought a "new" Linkin Park MP3s CD on a local market. I used to approach the seller once a week asking if there is something new from Linkin Park - and he said Yes, there is - and tossed me a CD case.

The CD had an album called "Erection" and featuring man's hand holding a penis on its cover. And all the songs were called weird, like "Khuy" (russian word for penis), "More oysters casanova" and "Penis envy". Back then I decided it was so cool and brave of Linkin Park to release an utterly obscene album. The album turned out to be a bootleg compilation of random musicians, with most song being Tribal Ink songs renamed with raunchy names.

Oh, also that bootleg had (hed) P.E.'s Bartender song, check it out.

Flosstradamus - Scion CD Sampler V.17 (2007)

This one is a mixtape of various "Indie" performers. Back in 00s "Indie" was a popular thing. And this compilation was and still is my favorites: I ca listen it on repeat for hours. My favorite track of that mixtape is The Operation by Charlotte Gainsbourg

Mad Capsule Markets - 010 (2001)

This one was quite a discovery for me some time ago. A mix of punk and electronic music, from Japan. I read about it in an interview with some musician, in some glossy colorful magazine.. Easily one of my favorites.

Atlantida Project - BEZDNA (2016)

An atmospheric mix of hard electronic music and "White voice".

Their singer had passed away, but she has left quite a legacy - an album that is kind of universal (totally random people like it) and fits almost any atmosphere and mood.

Deadушки - (2001)

I believe this album is a part of an own, very unique cyberculture of 2000s russia, that has died pretty quick and has left only few artifacts after itself, including this album. It is sort of hard for me to describe what is so special about it even.

Purple Motion - Tracked (1991-2000) (2019)

Purple Motion is one of the famous tracker musicians. And this one is a collection of his early tracks, some of which inspired entire generation of tracker and electronic musicians. In fact, I first heard his Satellite One track in an arkanoid game called Tronic - its title music by Ariel Gross is either a remix or just similar to that.

The album is not modules, of course, as spotify won't allow it, but most of them you can find on the web as modules.

Carbon Based Lifeforms - Interloper (2010)

My love for Ambient music started with this album. And it is still one of my favorite pieces - I can loop playback and listen it for hours.

It is really hard to pick a favorite album (but do I really have to?) of Carbon Based Lifeforms for me - but its music started for me with Terpene song from that album.

Metric - Synthetica (2012)

I can listen this one hundred times on repeat without getting tired of it. My first music of theirs was Black Sheep song in Scott Pilgrim movie, sung by Brie Larson. This very album is just hypnotic, from first to last song.